SALT- Senior Adults Living Triumphantly
"Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom."-Job 32:7
SALT Ministries meets the last Thursday of every other month in the Family Life Center with a covered dish meal and various activities following each meal. We also promote and try to attend as many senior adult activities/events in the association and the state. -
Women’s Ministry is designed to meet the complex needs of today’s woman. As women grow and mature in godliness, they are better
equipped to nurture and serve their families, to enrich the church, and to evangelize their communities.
The goals of Women’s Ministry are to:
1. Grow in our relationship with the Lord
2. Serve Him with our Christian sisters
3. Minister to the world around us under the leadership of the Holy Spirit
The mission of the Men’s Ministry is to develop Spiritually strong men. Through Biblical education and doctrinally sound teaching, the Men’s Ministry exists to develop men into Godly husbands, fathers, and leaders to serve Christ both at home and in the community.
Women's Missionary Union- WMU
Woman's Missionary Union is an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention that was founded in 1888. It is the largest Protestant missions organization for women in the world.
WMU meets the 2nd Monday of each month excluding June and December each year. At each meeting we have a speaker and work on short term mission projects. We support the following mission offering events: Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, and Myers-Mallory.
Salvation army meal
The Salvation Army Meal is served every other month. It is an evening meal served as a ministry to the homeless that are staying at the Salvation Army. Volunteers cook, transport, serve, and encourage others in Jesus name.
Baptist Campus ministry (BCM) Meal
RBC has joined in ministry to the students and faculty at the UA by providing a lunch at the BCM (Baptist Campus Ministry). Volunteers cook, transport, serve and meet students in a warm and comfortable environment.
Child evangelism fellowship
This is a Bible organization who's mission is to evangelize boys and girls around the world and establish them in a local church for discipleship. " Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day."
SEEK his kingdom Ministry
Clara Verner towerSunday Evening Church Service that starts at 5 pm. This is a time to encourage, pray, and help build up the body of Christ.
Alabama Baptist disaster relief
Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief works in partnership with other state conventions to help those affected by disasters. Many types of aid are offered including food, water, childcare, showers, laundry, repairs, rebuilding and more. All assistance is provided free of charge due to the gracious gifts of Alabama Baptists through the Cooperative Program.
good samaritan clinic
The Good Samaritan Clinic (GSC) is a Christian ministry that provides primary health care to uninsured and underinsured people of all ages, races, and gender. We hope to reach the many people who "fall through the cracks" of healthcare services. The GSC seeks to assist this segment of society with community spirit and volunteerism.
Ridgecrest has volunteers that help with Wings of Grace that give freely of their time and hearts to serve others. Wings of Grace assists over 1500 families and have given over 1500 Bibles to date. We have provided food gift cards, toys and clothing gift cards and furniture grant monies to help several hundred tornado victims. Clients are traveling from Eutaw, Green County, Hale, Reform, Moundville, Samantha, Boligee, and surrounding areas for assistance. In giving we are simply reflecting God's image--He who gave everything. Wings of Grace is sponsored by Forrest Lake Baptist Church.
The following are always needed: Non-perishable food, seasonal clothing (any size or gender), underwear (all sizes for both adult and children), cleaning supplies, bath and bed linens, toiletries, zip-top bags, trash bags, and reusable grocery bags.
This team plans and organizes an annual mission trip each year.
The RBC House and Grounds Team makes sure that the church building and grounds are neat, clean, and in good repair.
Homebound connections ministry
The Homebound Ministry is for members who are not able to attend church. The benefits to this ministry is to help these members feel more connected to the church, they receive prayer, and encouragement from other groups within the church.
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